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I have been blessed to have met so many wonderful people over the years, and I am thankful and honoured by all your kind words. Here follow all your testimonials which form the very heart of all that I do.

Thank you to all of you...

Bonny x


I first met Bonny when she came to volunteer with the RDA group about 20 years ago. She then trained as an Equine Podiatrist and cared for my little herd of horses with kindness, understanding and patience. But she has never stood still! She has continued to study and broaden her knowledge about all equines and is an amazing source of knowledge from nutrition to behaviour. Her work with feral Eriskay ponies on Coll was outstanding and led on to her amazing work with the Przewalski horses at the Highland Wildlife Park. Bonny is an amazing person and always there to help and advice.

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What can I say except the equine world is a better place for having Bonny in it. I fist met Bonny about 13 years ago when she came to trim my two Highlands and Basil my Shetland, who was very ill including laminitis. His feet were very sore and he was so ill and weak that 3 vets didn’t give him much of a chance of surviving. Well, Bonny came into our life and as far as I’m concerned saved his life (something that Bonny refuses to take credit for) She went on to correct all of their feet which I didn’t even know needed correcting.


Her knowledge and gentle handling of them and me went above and beyond. Bonny taught me so much in these years that I’ve become a much better owner because of her and is my go to. Bonny has a sixth sense when it comes to equines her intuition and handling of them is amazing and I thank her from the bottom of my heart.


Fantastic presenter and so knowledgable and enthusiastic.


A more talented, experienced and able horse person you would struggle to find. Bonny has been my most important contact in this millennium.


Pony 1

My vet was delighted when I told him Bonny was my trimmer, following an indescribable accident where the pony's split and traumatised hoof. Vet dispensed antibiotics and was not seen again. The pony had been in agony following an and instantly was able to bear weight after Bonny’s first aid.

Pony 2

Distrustful, anxious and flexible enough to aim hind hoof at my face while I was picking out a front hoof. My pony has decided not to give me her feet. Bonny taught me to advance and retreat and put me in touch with the right trainer to get us building trust. Said trainer spent 20 mins with the pony and Bonny started work on the dangerous pony while she sighed and rested her nose on the ground. Wild beast transformed. Bonny you are a powerful yet gentle force of nature. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.


What an amazing weekend workshop looking at hoof care and including lower limb dissection. So inspiring as well as being pitched at just the right level for my non-scientific brain! Every horse owner should go on one of these workshops!


I have known Bonnie for about 7 years, she has been looking after my 3 ponies. Her professional knowledge and skills are second to none and she has always been prepared to go the extra mile to help and support me and the ponies. She always has a calming and quiet influence about her. I would not be where I am today with my 3 ponies had I not met Bonnie. Many thanks Bonnie.


I first met Bonny in the USA where I was teaching and I was very impressed with her riding and horsemanship skills. I then hooked up with her again in Scotland and was fortunate to see her working with the Przewalski horses at Edinburgh, and was amazed to see the time she had taken to understand what these very special creatures needed, both emotional and physically. She had a clear understanding of how to provide their care in as low stress way as possible and the impact on the horses and the staff there was clear. I love Bonny’s desire to continually learn more and she is on a constant hunt to know how she can do better by horses.


Bonny started me on our bare foot journey and taught me that the health of the horse must be approached holistically , and this has benefited my horses and I tremendously. Thank you Bonny xx


Bonny was my equine podiatrist for nearly 10 years. She has been so kind and helpful over those years. One of my boys has bad arthritis in his hocks; she has been very caring and patient with him, taking time to gain his trust and really thinking about different ways to make the process as easy as possible for him. Bonny has such an extensive knowledge of horses, which she has actively developed over the years. She was always happy to give me advice on my horses management from feeding, turnout, hoof care to hoof abscess treatment. This has helped me to keep my boys fit, well and as happy as possible and she has given me the confidence and skills to successfully keep my horses barefoot over the years.

Bonny was always at the end of the phone if
I needed help! Thank you so much.


Bonny shares great information about the mechanics of the horse's foot along with the whole horse approach. The information she shared was backed up by science and lots of research.

Bonny shares the information in an easy to understand format. She is passionate about what she does and this shines through her whole being. I would recommend any course that Bonny puts out there because it's unbiased and all about the horse.


The equine world would definitely benefit from having more people like Bonny Mealand! She's a brilliant horsewoman and a wonderful people person. She has an amazing understanding of horse behaviour and is always on a quest to learn more; also she is so generous in sharing her knowledge and advice for the good of the equines, owners, welfare organisations, wildlife parks etc. I highly value Bonny as a friend, mentor and colleague. Thanks Bonny!


When my keepers  approached me about working with Bonny to see if she could apply her skills to the management of our herd of Przewalski’s or Mongolian wild horses, I was a touch dubious. I said that I was happy to allow the experiment to go ahead, with some extra safety protocols in place, but I did not believe that they would be able to achieve anything significant.  The idea was that using Bonny’s tried and tested skills with some pretty skittish feral domestic equids, she could create a situation where we could carry-out some simple hoof-care and minor veterinary procedures without the need for the usual anaesthesia. To my astonishment, we quickly started to see some very positive results and the ability to work in very close proximity to an increasing number of our horses has enhanced their welfare and altered how we manage the herd.  I have no hesitation in recommending Bonny as she has significantly altered how we now manage our herd of wild horses.


Head of Living collections RZSS


I have known Bonny as an Equine Podiatrist for the last 8 years. She is extremely knowledgeable, caring and professional in all her work, and very thorough and eager always to enhance her already extensive knowledge of animal welfare.


Bonny is empathetic, calm, intuitive and incredibly knowledgeable in her interactions with and care for horses. She has been a mentor and invaluable support to me in our joint profession as Equine Podiatrists, as well as a colleague; I highly value her input and knowledge about hoof and overall horse health. I cannot recommend her enough!


When Bonny first introduced herself to us and our herd of 12 Przewalski horses in 2016, performing routine procedures with the horses was difficult and often stressful on animals and staff alike. Through sharing her knowledge, patients, understanding, empathy and skills freely, Bonny has given us the tools we need to understand and work alongside the horses to assist in significantly calmer, routine procedures. Her insights into Horse behaviour and her eagerness to work with others has had a hugely positive impact on the care we give, and the overall welfare, of our Przewalski horse herd.


When I moved to Scotland ten years ago with my two Highland ponies Bonny was recommended to me as an equine podiatrist and I consider myself very fortunate to have had the benefit of her experience and advice over the course of eight years. My boys weren’t always the easiest to work on but Bonny was always so patient with them and I learned a great deal about how to handle them better. Their hooves improved beyond all recognition but even more than this Bonny was always generous with her time and advice, not just about feet, but feeding and general care too. She is a lovely person and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Bonny.


Bonny has been looking after my herd for several years. Her knowledge and understanding is fantastic. I have learnt a lot and my horses are happier than they have ever been, their feet have never been better. She is so patient and goes at their pace, never making them stressed or anxious. My wee Shetland was particularly tricky and has trust issues with everyone she meets. Bonnie worked tirelessly with her for over a year which has resulted in her having the most amazing relationship with her and has allowed her to trim her feet with ease. It has helped her overcome her fear of strangers and she now even allows the vet to work with her. Highly recommended.


It’s a pleasure working with Bonny. I’ve witnessed the natural affinity she has with horses and understanding of their behaviour. Bonny plays an important role in educating owners alongside her Equine Podiatry. She teaches the importance of physical and mental well being of both domestic and wild horses. Early intervention and identification of a problem gives the best chance of a good outcome and a speedy recovery. Bonny is quick to advise owners of any related issues that might benefit from a referral for Veterinary Physiotherapy.

Isle of Mull Veterinary Physiotherapy


Bonny helped me when deciding to buy my first horse, who I still own today, 13 years later because she helped me to understand exactly who would suit me and my lifestyle best. She is always ready to listen to my questions, to which she always has answers, and help me when I am unsure of anything. I have learned so much by spending time with Bonny. I feel incredibly lucky to live so close to her and no doubt my horses lives have benefitted greatly as well!


The Hoof Care Workshop covered many areas of hoof anatomy, common problems with hooves and laminitis, also how the horse evolved and how they behave in the wild. I really enjoyed it and learnt a massive amount. A great way to support horse owners into making better choices for the way that our horses are kept. Worth every penny. Thanks Bonny.


Every horse lover should follow Bonny’s work. She was my horse’s podiatrist when I was based in Scotland and not only is she excellent and dedicated to her job, her knowledge and interest in horse behaviour made for many fascinating discussions which I’m glad can continue through this page.From bringing renowned ethologist Lucy Rees to the UK to being one of the few, if not the only, person to trim the feet of truly wild horses without sedation using her knowledge of behaviour. Learning from Bonny can help every one of us improve our understanding of our equine friends. Our horses need us to listen to what she says!



I work flexible hours, and I also offer online consultations. Which will be available soon. Feel free to email me for more information.

Tel: 07920 488107

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with Bonny

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